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God or Memorex?

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Location: Philadelphia, United States

Friday, October 14, 2005

Yes folks this Pirate has finally found religion. It took me a while but I've come around. I've become a devout follower of our lord and savior the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I hope and pray that his teachings will soon be taught in public schools right next to that crazy evolution theory and totally off the wall Intelligent Design theory. First of all they are all a bunch of crap. My God is the one true god and all of your gods suck. I'd like to add nanananana and I'm sticking my tongue out at you right this very second. If you don't believe what I believe well lets just say we have ways.... (ever here of the inquisition? well that's a tea party compared to our methods) of course if you don't convert you will be forced to walk the plank. All teachings of the supreme being or FSM can be found here at http://www.venganza.org/ .


Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm having a difficult time accepting the fact that modern adults believed in God. They build temples and chant and pray and it all so crazy to me. Christ, Jesus, God, Allah, Budda where does it end. If you don't believe what I believe you are shunned, stoned, killed and every culture believes something different. All cultures have their folklore. Religion is the earliest form of government.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

In the last year I have noticed a few public schools being sued for not teaching evolution. Instead they teach intelligent design or the gospel so to speak. Obviously this violates the separation of church and state not to mention my mind. Lets just throw science out the window and pretend the earth is flat and the center of the universe. (Deep breaths...) Ok I'm calm. I've read about their theory and the gist is that the universe is so complicated that it must have been created by GOD. Allrighty then.... first of all what the hell does that have to do with evolution? Apparently most of them also do not believe in the science that can trace EVERY lifeform on the planet backwards to see its evolution. Right, OK, were all lying and all fossils are made of playdo. What scares me the most is this, most are teachers and college graduates that are propagating these views. Granted they are in the Bible belt or other small communities but I don't understand how a learned intelligent mind can not only believe this crap but teach it to children. Hey you can believe whatever you want but keep your religious beliefs to yourself and don't force them on children at school. That's why we have the separation of church and state!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Today I was listening to talk radio on the way into work and the topic was do you believe in Aliens? IE Are we alone in the universe? The majority of callers seem to think we were alone and that they were christians who believed in God. The Host wanted to know what one had to do with the other. The callers responded that God made the Earth and Man in his image and anything else was blasphemy. The Host pointed out that the universe was awfully big to have just us and nothing else. Most of the callers seem to believe we are all there is and not the science of the exploration of the universe or its size. This seems to be a fundamental flaw human thinking. As an ego defense mechanism people are afraid to look up and refuse to or cannot comprehend the size of the known universe. I admit that even though I believe in the vastness of space the reality of its size is probably just too big for any type of true realization or understanding. Once again I cannot follow the illogic of religion. I remain one of the faithless.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's true I must be insane. Apparently I'm part of a very small minority of people on the planet that doesn't believe in God. Perhaps I'm not being fair. I wouldn't classify myself as an atheist but more an agnostic. I believe in the possibility of a creator of the universe. It seems to me that science and physics explain the general gist of things but I feel we are children in this regard also. Each answer spawns a hundred questions so to speak. So with all the worlds different religions and the majaority of human kind professing their worship I have no faith.