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God or Memorex?

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Location: Philadelphia, United States

Friday, October 14, 2005

Yes folks this Pirate has finally found religion. It took me a while but I've come around. I've become a devout follower of our lord and savior the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I hope and pray that his teachings will soon be taught in public schools right next to that crazy evolution theory and totally off the wall Intelligent Design theory. First of all they are all a bunch of crap. My God is the one true god and all of your gods suck. I'd like to add nanananana and I'm sticking my tongue out at you right this very second. If you don't believe what I believe well lets just say we have ways.... (ever here of the inquisition? well that's a tea party compared to our methods) of course if you don't convert you will be forced to walk the plank. All teachings of the supreme being or FSM can be found here at http://www.venganza.org/ .
